Monday, January 28, 2013

The Project (Dramatic Contexts of Pre-Revolutionary Russia)

This spring semester, I have begun a directed research project, under the guidance of my theatre history professor, Will Daddario.

The title of the project is Dramatic Contexts of Pre-Revolutionary Russia and its goals consist of these:
  • Developing and understanding research methodologies of a graduate level project
  • Building familiarity with the available body of  literature (Lit. Review)
  •  The final composition of a graduate level writing sample on the topic
While some of the specifics will need further exploring as the semester progresses, my primary interest is in the dialogue between history and literature in regards to the Russian revolutions of 1905 and 1917. Specifically, how the revolutionary atmosphere of this turning point in history influenced literature of the time and how that literature may have furthered revolutionary sentiment.

 It is likely my research will focus in upon one author and perhaps only one play or novel. My preliminary research leading up to this point has focused upon Anton Chekhov and further creating a knowledge base in regards to the historical background of time period I am focusing upon. Thus I will be exploring books such as, The Russian Revolution by Sheila Fitzpatrick as well. I have something of a background in Russian history, but not an extensive one by any means. Similarly, I have read some works by Anton Chekhov and other Russian authors such as Turgenev and Tolstoy, but am by no means an expert. I will update this blog frequently, in order to document my progress in research, and ultimately in the composition of my writing simple. I greatly looking forward to this project!

Till next time,
до свидания,
- Эрик (Erik)

Note: When available and appropriate, I will link to a wikipedia article for a reference point (at the very least, as I remember to), also any bibliographic information a feel is particularly noteworthy I will include at the end of each entry. Such as this -

Fitzpatrick, Sheila. 1982. The Russian Revolution. 2nd ed. Oxford: Oxford University Press.

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